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L'industrie en France statistiques 2000-2017

vous trouverez ci-après les chiffres clés qui permettent d’apprécier l’évolution de la place de l’industrie en France

2000 2017

Balance commerciale -59,6 Milliards

Solde industriel +20 Milliards -60 milliards

Solde Services +25 milliards 0

Part de marché zone euro 17% 12%

Part industriels Echanges exterieurs 70%

Part de l'industrie dans le PIB 16% 12,50%

Emploi industriel 4 millions de salaries 3 millions de salaries

Nombre entreprises exportatrices 124 000

Dette 870 Milliards 2147 Milliards

Dette en % du PIB 20% 96%

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In many countries, Suppy Chain has been destroyed by lack of political strategy and short term decision. Industry is facing a real recruitment problem of hiring qualified people. It will take a generation to restore what is lost now. In the mean time YAAC offers a unique service with qualified people in Mechanics and plastics. We work in Europe with a expert network based in Europe and Asi

Excellence manufacturing



61 Avenue de Vaucresson
Le Chesnay, 78150

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